Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm still alive...

I'm still alive and so very thankful for it.

March 4th 2008 I was hit by a drunk driver. Now I live with constant emotional, mental and physical pain but I am alive and so very THANKFUL for it!

I'm recovering, but the road back to "me" is long.

Have I been writing? Yes and no.

Duncan and Jenna were forgotten for so long, but now I'm feeling the pull to tell their story again. Hurray! :)

I'm chronicling my baby son's journey over at Baby Wyatt's Story. I was pregnant with him when we were in the accident. He was born with PPHN ... persistent pulmonary hypertension, otherwise known as persistent fetal circulation. Absolutely terrifying stuff, let me tell you. Come visit me and my little miracle baby!


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